This nude patch for Blade Kitten relies on user modified textures and TexMod to reveal what is under Kit’s clothes and make her look much more attractive for the adult gamer, especially for the people that are keen on anime characters.
This nude patch removes the clothes from the Ayumi character you play in
the game X-Blades, making her appear nude with only some elements of
the armor.
To install the nude patch just extract the files from the folder “Nude
Mod” to the main folder where you’ve installed the game X-Blades, and see my video ;-)
The nude patch for the game Velvet Assassin strips down all clothes from the female character you lay with in the game. After applying the nude patch your in-game character will have no clothes and all her private parts will be exposed. Kind of makes it hard to remain unnoticed for an assassin running around completely naked, but this is a game after all and if playing with a nude character makes it more fun then it is worth.
Just extract the contents of the folder "Nude Mod" from the patch inside the main directory where you have installed the game Velvet Assassin. Just make sure you backup the original files should you decide to remove the nude patch.
This nude patch for the game Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) is intended to replace the Rochelle character with a completely naked version of the Rochelle character. You can play with the nude Rochelle character if you wish to, however in order to see the nude model you better choose any of the other characters, because the game is first person and if you play with the naked character you will not be seeing anything from your naked self. So now you can really have more fun killing zombies and being helped to do it better by your nude Rochelle female assistant.
To install the nude modification just extract the file "rochelle_nude.vpk" from the "Nude Mod" folder in the patch archive into the main folder where you've installed the game, inside the directories "\left4dead2\addons". Then the addon will be active by default when you run the game and you can start playing right away.